See Cheri Heinecke for more information on Programs/Workshops
Previous Programs and Workshops Click Here
Monday March 17, 2025
Swan Sheridan
Trunk Show and Lecture starting at: 9:30 am. Lecture will be on “All About the Base”, using basic shapes and heirloom blocks as jumping off points to create more intricate or modern design work. There will be a 1/2 day workshop Monday from 1:00 to 4:00 “Label Making Workshop”. Workshop Fee: $30
Other Fees: None. Swan is going to teach us a variety of label making methods.
Some of you have had this before, but most of you have not. You’ll be ready for our next quilt show, labels in hand. Swan was a vendor at our last quilt show.
Tuesday, March 18, 2024
Swan Sheridan Threadscapes Workshop Time: 9:00 – 3:00 Workshop Fee: $45 Other Fees: None. This is an introduction to creating landscapes with sky, mountains and desert foreground with a cactus. You will learn to play with
thread on top. Suggested book, Stitched Textiles by Kathleen Matthews. Check out her website, for more information and pictures.
Click Here for the Supply List
Swan’s Class Pictures
Click a picture to see a slide show.
Monday, April 21, 2025
Marti Winkelman is providing a trunk show for us.
Free ECHOS Following the meeting. Mini-Workshop
Lolly Platt is going to teach us how to do very, very narrow borders, not flange. The process she uses is from Sally Collins.
Monday, May 19, 2025
Alyce Leach is coming to us from The Copper Needle. She is going to do a trunk show. 1/2 Day workshop following meeting.
Monday 1:00-4:00 her workshop, “Fundamentals of Piecing”, is going to take you from start to finish. Beginner, new to quilting or experienced and not quite sure what went wrong, this workshop is for you. Come and let Alyce teach you, from start to finish. Setup begins 20 minutes before start time. AND continues on Tuesday,
Tuesday, 5/20, 9:00-4:00. Fee is $40. No kit or pattern fee. Set-up begins 20 minutes before start time.