March 2025
Hello Quilters!
Welcome Spring! Time to plan out our gardens and spend more time outdoors. Time to take in nature by walking, hiking, and water sports. But don’t forget to do some quilting too. See Barb to sign up for Spring Camp. Enjoy spending time with old friends and making new friends learning new things from each other. Cheri with Programs has workshops where you may sign up. Plan on taking one to learn a new skill or maybe perfecting that skill you already know. It is that time of the year to think about participating in helping out your guild. Vicky and the Nominating Committee are looking to fill Board positions and Committee Chairman. I know everyone is busy, however I would like you to think about helping out your guild by volunteering for one of the open positions. In the meantime have fun working on your projects!
Happy Quilting!
Bobbie Mae
February 2025
Hello Quilters!
Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope you had a great one! As the weather warms up we are going to be outside or in our garden more. However, do not forget we still need quilts finished for Community Quilts so keep them coming. Thank you everyone who participated in Sewlabration. There was good chili, fun cupcakes, informative demos, and a lot of different tables with items for sale. And do not forget door prizes. Cheri, Programs Chairperson, has plenty of openings for workshops. Head over to see her to take advantage of all the things you can learn. And also Spring Camp is coming up. There will be information and sign ups at the February meeting. It is that time of year to think of next year. The nominating committee will be looking for new Board members as well as Committee Chairs. Please consider helping the guild out by taking a position.
Bobbie Mae
January 2025
Hello Quilters!
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season with family and friends. Now on to getting our creative juices flowing for the new year. Whether it is pushing on with the projects we have started or maybe starting a new project. Plan on attending the Sewlabration on Monday, January 20th and Tuesday January 21st. Monday Community Quilts will have a huge sale. Therefore we are asking the Board and Chairman who need to set up to arrive at 8:00 am. The doors will be open to members at 8:30 so you will have an hour to shop before the meeting, during the break, and more time to shop after the program. Tuesday you will be able to enjoy the day with more sales, demos, chili tasting and cupcakes. See you there! We would like to thank Diana Ramsey for all of the work she has done with the Youth Quilting Program. We know she will still be around helping out, just stepping back to take a little time to travel.
Bobbie Mae
December 2024
Hello Quilters!
Happy Holidays — Merry Christmas! Whichever one you prefer, this is a joyous time of the year. The time of year we spend with our family and friends with much laughter and way too much yummy food. Speaking of fun and laughter, be sure to join us at our Holiday Party on Monday, December 16th. There will be storytelling, food and prizes. Yes, there will be Show and Tell.
May the joy of the season be with all of you.
Bobbie Mae
November 2024
Hello Quilters!
What a wonderful time of the year.! A time to take in all of the fall colors and cool weather although it cooled off quickly. This is the time of the year to be thankful and grateful for all we have. I’m sure a lot of us are making plans for the holidays. Speaking of holiday plans, be sure to sign up to decorate a table for our holiday luncheon. It is always an enjoyable day. There is still room on the bus to the AQG Quilt Show in January. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Bobbie Mae
October 2024
Hello Quilters!
Welcome to fall even though the temperatures have not felt like it. It is time to prepare our gardens and our homes for winter. Our thoughts go out to family, friends, and those we do not know who have been affected by the hurricanes. Consider donating a quilt to send to the victims. Sign up for a fun time on the bus trip to the Mesa Quilt Show in January. Debbie Jones will have all of the information. Also check out the upcoming workshops that Cheri Heinecke has for Programs. Make a child happy by donating a toy to the Elks Kids Christmas.
Happy Quilting!
Bobbie Mae
September 2024
Hello Quilters!
Ah September! A little cooler weather, pumpkin spice, fall leaves, and fall flowers. All the things I love about fall. At our home it is all about College and NFL football. I know it is not for everyone, however, I manage to get my handwork and some sewing done. Do not forget to sign up for Fall Camp and upcoming workshops before they fill up and you do not have a chance to participate. Are you working on the block of the month? I’m having fun with the half square triangles. Remember we will be looking at the designs for the new Podium and Opportunity Quilt Banners. Happy Quilting! See you at the meeting.
Bobbie Mae
August 2024
Hello Quilters!
Summer and Monsoon season is here. It is a good time to stay out of the heat and humidity and be at your cutting table or sewing machine. Some of you may still be on vacation and a lot of kiddos are back in school already. The Directory is ready and Donna will have hard copies at the August 19th meeting. If you would like an email copy let Donna know. Remember, if your dues were not paid by July 15th you will not be in the Directory. The By Laws and Standing Rules are not in the Directory, however, they can be found on the website. I am looking forward to seeing what design the Opportunity Quilt Committee has chosen.
Happy Quilting!
Bobbie Mae
July 2024
Hello Quilters! Let me introduce myself to all of you. My husband and I have just celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. We have two children, a daughter-in-law, our daughter’s partner, two grandsons, two grand-dogs and two grand-cats. I have been sewing since I was a 9-year old in 4H. I have received two Associate Degrees, one in Clothing and Textiles and one in Retail Fashion Merchandising. Over the years I have enjoyed the many facets of the sewing industry. I have worked in a furniture factory, made custom bridal and prom gowns, worked in a fabric store, retail clothing store, and spent 17 years working in a drapery workroom. In 2017 I retired and moved here. All during this time I made small quilted items. Now I am enjoying finding new quilting projects, tips and tricks. I am looking forward to a fun filled year meeting all of you, learning and quilting.
Bobbie Mae