Past Programs and Workshops


Monday, February 17 

Karen Bolan Trunk Show

Karen Bolan will present Trunk Show and share how to engineer our own quilts. There will be a 1/2 day workshop Monday from 1:00 – 4:00 which will be her Special Effects with Color Workshop. The cost is $30. You will develop color confidence and basic color theory, all while having fun!
Click here for the Supply List

Tuesday, February 18

Karen Bolan Pieced Curves and Play with Transparency workshop will be at 9:00-4:00. The workshop fee is $40.00, plus $15.00 For a Digital Pattern is required.  (Karen will bring a printed copy for you.) You will learn to cut and precisely piece large diameter curves from templates, make a color palette that features transparency, and assemble a quilt top with pieced borders.
Click here for the Supply list

Class Pictures

To see a slide show click on one of the pictures and use the arrows to slide!



SEWLABRATION 2025. Monday 1-20 9:30 -12:00 Tuesday 1-21 9:00- 3:00. This is a celebration for the new quarter century, maybe the first of many.  Come join the fun. Ann Novak, Nadeen Van Dyke, and Nancy Stewart will share their quilt journeys with us via interviews by John Ramsey. Community Quilts will have a huge destashing sale set out. You will be able to start shopping before the meeting, during the break, and after the meeting.  To see a slide show click on one of the pictures and use the arrows to slide!

Chili Cook off 

To see a slide show click on one of the pictures and use the arrows to slide!

Tuesday, January 21.

Schedule for Tuesday,

● 8:00: Set-up for those with a Sew Shop Table, Demoers, Chili Cookers, Cupcake Bakers, and Ask the Expert Participants.
● 8:45: Doors Open. Sew Shop Tables (fellow members destashing sale)
open and stay open until 3:00.
● 9:00-11:00: Rotating Demos Start (there will be a list of what the demo
is at the meeting on Monday the 20th. Come and see.

● 11:30-1:30: Chili Cook Off until all the chili is gone. Can’t wait to taste all
the yummy chili!
● 12:30-1:30: Ask the Experts. Did you want to see those prize winning
quilts, a tree skirt, and jackets from our show just one more time? The
makers will be at Sewlabration 2025 to share their beautiful work and
answer your questions.
● 2:00: Chili Champion Crowning
● 3:00: That’s All Folks



To see a slide show click on one of the pictures and use the arrows to slide!

Monday December 16, 2024

Program: Holiday Luncheon 9:30 Sponsored by your Guild Board of Directors. Sign up for decorating a table. Prizes will be given.. The Guild will provide turkey and ham.

Monday, November 18

Jill Finley ( ) will present a trunk show. There will be a half-day workshop following the meeting from 1:00 – 4:00 pm titled, “Tangled Daisies”. You will learn Jill’s unique applique method when you make this table runner. Workshop fee is $24 plus a required pattern fee of $14. There is a
fabric kit available for $44. Click Here for the supply list.

Tuesday, November 18

Jill’s Bramble workshop. 9:00 – 3:30 pm. Setup at 8:40. You will learn Jill’s appliques method and also foundation piecing without having to tear paper away. Workshop fee is $35 plus a required pattern fee of $20. There is a
fabric kit available in pink or black for $135. Reminder:  Remember there are no refunds, but you may find your own replacement or a member from the waitlist if there is one. Payment is due upon registration by cash or check. Click Here for the supply list.


Mel Beach Program

Mel Beach Workshop pictures

Monday, October 21 – Mel Beach ( ) will present Challenge Yourself. Thinking about or wanting to enter a quilt challenge? This is the lecture for you. Mel will share her adventures and misadventures of quilt
challenges. Monday, October 21 – Half-day workshop with Mel titled, “Design By Dice” . This workshop will give you a playful twist of inspiration to your quilt designs through the use of dice. Sound intriguing? Workshop is
12:30 – 4:00 (after meeting and a short lunch break). Workshop fee is $30. No kit fee or pattern to purchase. Come and play. Supply list Click Here

Tuesday, October 22 – In this workshop you will warm up designing mandalas on paper, before learning how to use minimal marking to free-motion quilt a whole cloth original mandala design. You will watch your mandala bloom as you add layers of texture and color! You should have some experience free-motion quilting. 9:00 – 4:00, setup at 8:40. Workshop fee is $40. No kit or pattern fee. Supply List Click Here

Monday, September 16th

– Join us as our very own Martie Winkelman presents a unique, one of a kind, wearables trunk show and lecture.

Thank you Martie for your wonderful trunk show and Class! Here are some Program pictures! Click on a picture to see a slide show. To close slide show click on x in the top corner.

Monday, September 16 – ECHOS – Janice Zolnierowicz will teach us how to make a snap pouch. She will announce further details at August’s general meeting. There is no cost. There will be a supply list posted on the website soon.

Thank you Janice Z for the Pouch ECHOS Class here are the pouches created!

Tuesday, September 17th – Join Martie for a fun day of making your very own unique wearable or wall hanging. You will be making several units, including Seminole piecing, pleating, and several other fabric manipulation techniques. Over the years she has made over 40 items using these simple techniques. You will learn how to join the units, quilting, couching, and embellishing your finished project. Workshop is 9:00 – 4:00, setup at 8:40. Fee is $35. No kit or pattern fee. Click here for the supply list.

Monday, August 19th

Jane Haworth is our presenter with a lecture and trunk show.


Then from 1:00 – 4:00 is a workshop – Paintbox Chickens. Setup at 12:40 pm. No painting involved. Fee is $25. Fee includes the pattern. Signups will be at the June meeting. Click here for the supply list


The Classes was wonderful. Here are some pictures:

Click a picture to enlarge and see a slide show!


Tuesday, August 20th

Pet Portrait Fabric Collage. Workshop is 9:00 – 4:00, set-up at 8:40, fee is $38. This includes the fee for Jane to turn your pet or animal picture (emailed to her) into a usable line drawing pattern. This is the option from the supply list that this class requires. Click Here to see her Website for examples.  Click Here for the supply List

Class Pictures

Monday, July 15th

David and Trish are coming to present a trunk show, Two Artists, One Studio. They each have a very unique style. You won’t want to miss them.

Tuesday, July 16th

Our very own Janice Zolnierowicz is going to do a workshop for us. You will learn to make a Baker Street Bag. Come to the Programs table to see the samples. They are so cute! Workshop is 9:00 – 4:00, set-up at 8:40, fee is $30.
There is no kit fee, but you will need to print the free pattern ahead of time.

Supply List: Click Here

What a successful class! Thanks Janice Z.


June 17th will be an awesome luncheon, Let’s Have a Picnic, for all our members sponsored by your MTQG Board.

Tuesday, June 18th, Gail Shannon is  returning to offer her highly requested Mexican Stars workshop. There are two color samples of Mexican Stars at the programs table. Workshop is from 9:00– 4:00 with set-up starting at 8:40.  cost is $50. No kit fee, but you will need to get the pattern, Mexican Stars by A. Ornelas.  Click Here for the Supply List


 April 15, 2024      Cynthia England  England Designs Website   , will present Picture Piecing  a trunk show and lecture of her unique picture piecing method.

Click on the pictures to see a slide show. To close the slide show click on the x in the right corner.

Following the meeting will be a workshop,
Roadrunner Landscape, 1:00-4:00, set-up at 12:40, $30, kit fee $43 Kit includes everything you need for the top including pattern and binding.    Supply List

Tuesday April 16 there will be a workshop called Small Landscapes. There are 2 choices – Old Grist Mill or Southwest Splendor. The class is 9:00-4:00, set-up at 8:40, $38 plus a kit fee of $58. This kit includes everything you need to make the top of the quilt including the binding. The first half of the class will
focus on making the small 15” x 18” landscape quilt. The second half of the day
will focus on turning your own photos into a picture piecing pattern. All supplies for this are included in the kit. Signups begin at the January 15th meeting.

Includes pattern and fabric for top, complete with borders and binding and all design supplies. When signing up, please indicate design choice.
Cash preferred for Material fee. I will have credit card capabilities and will
have change for any other purchases. Click here for the supply list

Cynthia England Class Pictures

Click on the pictures to see a slide show. To close the slide show click on the x in the right corner.



 March 18, 2024 – Ann L. Petersen, better known as The Obsessive Quilter ( Ann will provide information on “What the Judges are Looking For.” Monday, March 18, 2024

Half day workshop on “Beginner Free Motion Quilting Using Your Domestic Machine”, from 1:00 – 4:00, set up 12:40. What you will learn in the Beginner Free Motion Quilting workshop:
● How to tackle your quilts on a domestic machine with the fundamentals of free-motion quilting. We will cover machine set-up, including how to adjust tension, and dive right in with a series of beginner-friendly stitches. Find out how to create lovely loops, spirals, pebbles, and wiggles to fill lots of different shapes, corners, focal points, and borders. You can customize and combine motifs for a classic or modern look. And find techniques that work for you. Setup time for machines at 12:40. Cost is $20. Click Here for the Supply list

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 – “Curves Again” This is a full day workshop from 9:00-4:00, set up at 8:40, what you will learn in The Curves workshop:
● How to cut arcs using a variety of templates, tools, and methods
● How to pin and sew a simple, gentle curve–the essential technique used in this class project and other curved quilt blocks
● How to make custom, reusable templates out of plastic sheets or freezer paper
● Step-by-step process of constructing blocks using curves, paper piecing, and templates
● How to paper piece blocks with curvy motifs using reusable freezer paper templates. This method eliminates the tedious tearing paper of traditional paper piecing Cost is $30, from 9:00 – 4:00. Setup begins at 8:40. Supply lists will be available on the website in January. Signups will start at the January meeting. Click Here for the Supply List


February  19, 2024 is Patsy Kittredge will do a Trunk Show. She will also do an ECHOS demo for us called, “Playing with Watercolors”. Cost for the ECHOS is free, but signups will be needed at the programs table. There is a supply list for those that want to stay after her demo and continue playing with what Patsy taught us. Programs will have some of the supplies.

Trunk Show

Fun Painting Demo with Patsy


 January is TOAD reveal month!! Be sure to come see what the Treasured Object Almost Done participants completed based on your votes earlier this year. Hopefully there will be lots of smiles and relief at finishing up something special. If not, they will each get a chance to beg your understanding as they explain what went wrong. Come cheer for their efforts!

T.O.A.D. was fantastic! Great Job everyone!



December  is our Guild Holiday Party !! Come, Dress up and have some fun and enjoy some good food. Bring one fat quarter in a bag.

November 20-21: Gail Shannon will be presenting a trunk show on Monday, November 20. Immediately following the meeting will be a half day workshop on how to select colors and take the fear out of choosing fabrics. Cost is $40. Book needed is: A Fiber Artist’s Guide to Color & Design: The Basics and Beyond by Heather Thomas. You will need to order the book online, so you have it for class. Tuesday, November 21, will be a full day workshop with instruction on how to use Sew Kind of Wonderful’s Quick Curve Rulers. Workshop is $50. You will need either the large (12”x7”) and/or QCR Mini rulers. Order your rulers online if you don’t already have them.  Click here for the supply list.

October- 16-17 This month brings us Karen Miller of Red Bird Quilt Co. On Monday, October 16, her lecture is on Aurifilosophy followed by a ½ day workshop on Creative Chaos playing with different weight threads. Cost $25, plus a kit fee of $39.91. On Tuesday October 17, she will be presenting a full day workshop, Wren in Spring, on wool hand applique. Cost $50, plus optional kit fee of $25 (includes pattern). If not purchasing a kit, you must purchase the pattern at class $5. A few limited spots left in each. Click here for supply list

Program Pictures

Class Pictures

 September- September 18, 2023 meeting will bring Coco Alaniz, another Guild member and also a fiber artist. Coco will be doing a Trunk Show followed by a workshop on Tuesday, September 19 titled How to Make a Deep Pocket Apron. Cost is $45 which includes the pattern.


August-   August 21, 2023 meeting, Janet Nieuwenhoff, MTQG
member, lecture and trunk show titled, “How I Do What I Do.” No workshop on Tuesday. 

July-  . We will also have our long-awaited Speaker Heidi Pridemore from Whimsical Workshops lecturing and selling her merchandise. The following day Tuesday, July 18, 2023, she will be teaching an all-day class on her “Chain Reaction” pattern.

Jean Impey’s lecture was very informative and the guild learned a lot about how she uses technology to make and display her quilts! Here are some pictures of her Quilts  and the Basket Class.

May Guild Meeting brings back an all-time favorite Jean Impey of “Sew Jean”, she will be doing a lecture at the Monday Guild meeting on “Creativity-Has Someone Stolen Yours?” along with an all-day class the next day, Tuesday, May 16th, 2023, featuring her pattern “Basket Case”. The class remains SOLD OUT, but this could change!  Click here for the supply list  and you can go to her website for inspiration! click here.


April brings two different things for our Guild Members. On Monday, April 17, at 8:30AM the doors open at the Elks Lodge for a Rummage Sale of items we already have in over abundance. The sale will go on until 10AM being followed by the regular meeting, show and tell, and possibly more sales if time allows. Payment for items at the Rummage sale should be cash. Checks over $10 will be accepted. CC may be used only if purchase is over $25 dollars. There will be a special SILENT AUCTION for a beautiful Wool Quilt top during this sale! Due to space constraints, there will be NO snacks at the April Meeting. The Snack
Ladies will contact those who are on the April list and advise them. The following day on Tuesday, April 18, is our Bi-Annual Fun Day, all information has already been distributed to the members that are taking part in this event.

March will bring Rona the Ribbeter (Rona Herman) to the Guild, her lecture for the Monday Guild Meeting is titled “Traditional to Modern” and she will also have a Tuesday class titled “Perfect Points, signups for her class are ongoing and will be available at the December meeting. Here is her website:

February 2023

 February’s Program is Treasured Object Almost Done or TOAD.  Twelve members have volunteered to share two unfinished (maybe not even started) projects.  The audience will participate by voting as to which project they should finish by January/February next year.  If you missed out on signing up let me know and I will try to make room for you.  Come prepared to question the volunteers as to why they have dilly dallied on finishing this special TOAD.  Maybe all they need is a bit of encouragement and a DEADLINE!  Contact your TOAD Queen, Susan Perry with any questions.

January 16, 2023 Lauretta Crites, a National Teacher,  “Create” Keys to Unlocking Your Creative Power: Learn the AMAZING power hiding in your passion for quilting. Prepare to be transformed by this empowering look at CREATE! -ing. This trunk show presentation featuring my quilts, personal stories and information pulled from the latest scientific research will inspire you to have more fun and look at your quilting in a whole new light.
The Workshop she will teach on Tuesday January 17th will be
“Quilt Coloring Fun”. This will be a six hour class. Kits ($23) for this class will be purchased from the Speaker of Monday and a supply list will be available at the December  meeting.